Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hey God, Listen my Entreaty

Oh my god.
Tell me, I should love you or not
If i love you, I would be cheating myself
And if I don’t love you, I would not be revealing my beneath greetings.

Sometimes you make me fall in love with you
At the other time hatred crosses its limits.
Looking at each face now gives me reasons to disgust
How could you make your children so hopeless?

Pain is ruling every heart,
Sorrow prevails on every face.
Smile vanishes, lost its meaning,
Eye cries, tear continues flowing.
Hope fades with dreams evaporating,
Desires conceals with each wave disappearing.

Somebody told me it’s not your fault,
People get what they did in past

You are our concierge, you are our almighty
As parents pardon their children after gaffes
Then, how can you chastise you own souls so callously?

Though your children are powerful, they are potent
They can still breathe with desires nurturing inside
They can still dreams with hopes spurting each time.

Yet, I need an answer
I need your reply
Listen, Lord, and answer me,
For  I am deprived and needy.
Be cordial to me, lord
Listen to my prayer for mercy.

If it’s your reply, it’s not justice and
If it is your justice, you are no more worshiped
Yes. I won’t do it
Never, no, not again :(


  1. lovely write dear... much love... now feeling sad... much pained :( but more numbed feel nothing at all... all stone ... keep writing tc.

  2. yeah. all we can do is just to carry on with what we have today. so stay happy :)

    Nd thanks:)
