Sunday, July 1, 2012

1st July:):):)

1 st July, the day we used to wait for a long time in our childhood, but for now, when the same or more study, but no excitement, no fanaticism,
Perhaps, this is what, we call, just a matter of time.!!!!

Some lines dedicated in memory of that amazing day J

Welcoming 1st July was a great feeling an era before,
New books, new bag and above all the excitement of new class were the chance never being put-off.

That wonderful childhood, those awesome moments,
 Will ever come back to roar the heart shores?

Growing up may be the huge fantasy to live the life more,
But the childhood life can never be beaten anymore.

Today we are young, living our life as we want,
Then why are we missing some restrictions of that time?

When we have everything branded in our life,
 Then why are we lack of real happiness?

When we have all the hi-tech entertainment packages,
Then why are we missing those childhood fun and games?

So, is it the life we are living now-a-days?
We actually have lost the life we lived an era before?!!!1