Sunday, September 14, 2014

Perhaps Unreal turns out to be Real!

It was a unreal life,
A unreal me and a unreal dream,
Roving through those unreal tunnels,
With hope of getting the real soon!!

It was nothing but a unreal fantasy,
The unreal characters, the unreal story!!

This feels me so many whiles,
But the real I was never wished to come to light!!

I wandered millions of instants
Thinking its real; rest is mere piece of mucks!!
I trust my soul and followed the trance,
But how could illusions lead me to the right path?

I thought again and again,
To get the answer that was still unseen!!

Is dis what i want to draw my life alike,
Or do i need a real picture throughout the life.

On my way of thinking, night turns in to light,
And an answer is awaiting me to realize.

So here i come out the veil
The real me with no reel!
No more unreality, no more delusion
This is the time to take the real roam!!!